Chlorotic Flecked
Wrinkled pale green emerging leaves which gradually develop chlorotic patches and streaks in midvein tissue.
Chlorotic Flecked
Chlorotic Patched: Original ChloFlk*-N2627/+ heterozygous chimeric mutant plant showing a sector of chlorotic flecks associated with crinkling on both sides of leaf blade.
Chlorotic Flecked
Chlorotic Patched: A ChloFlk*-N2627/+ heterozygous mutant plant from outcross on Mo17, showing chlorotic streaks on upper leaves and associated partially sterile tassel.
Chlorotic Flecked
A ChloFlk*-N2627/+ heterozygous mutant plant from cross by Mo17 showing lighter green wrinkled emerging leaves that are developing chlorotic streaks. See Cr*-N1454. Leaves emerge crinkled and sometimes rolled together, especially those above the ear; chlorotic pale green emerging tissue greens to normal; mature leaves narrow, tassel and ear reduced but fertile. Homozygote is bright yellow green lethal seedling.