Bleached crossband Diurnal bleached crossbanded seedling leaves.

Bleached crossband Seedling progeny of a cross of B73 x BlhCb*-N2510/+ original mutant plant showing a small light green mutant seedling(left) with lighter tips that are the remnant of diurnal crossbanding. CUT THE MIDDLE OUT OF THIS IMAGE.

Bleached crossband Progeny from cross of BlhCb*-N2510/+ on W23 showing mutant plant with diurnal bleached crossbands on lower leaves.

Bleached crossband Homozygous BlhCb*-N2510 mutant seedling (bottom) showing yellowish white leaves with necrotic tips. Original mutant was a small, green seedling with diurnal, bleached pale green crossbands, which grew into a normal green plant with occasional pale green leaf diurnal crossbands on lower leaves, representing cooler night time conditions earlier in the growth season. Homozygote is a lethal yellowish white seedling.