collapsed kernel tiny embryo
tiny collapsed defective kernel; viable green seedling in enriched culture medium.
collapsed kernel tiny embryo
collapsed: Tiny collapsed defective kernel; Selfed flinty M2 origin ear segregating for cp*-N873, dek12 tiny collapsed mutant kernels with empty endosperm and tiny complete embryos sthat are viable in culture. Also segregating for colorless c1 r1
collapsed kernel tiny embryo
Tiny collapsed defective kernel: Selfed colorless flinty F2 ear segregating for tiny extreme collapsed, dek12-N873, mutant kernels; embryos viable in enriched culture to produce healthy green seedlings.
collapsed kernel tiny embryo
collapsed: Tiny, cp*-N873 (dek12) excised immature embryos grown on B1 (ammonia-free basal), BII (basal) and E (enriched) media, showing good growth on BI, very little on BII, and near-normal on E