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Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
colorless floury defective; colorless kernel sector: Ds-1S4 original kernel. Section of a fully colored M1 ear from the cross of Clf1/ clf1 r1 r1 x Ac Clf1/- Clf1, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc from an open-pollinated detasseled plot, showing a single kernel with a large colorless chimera covering three-fourths of the kernel surface, and a smaller colored area with irregular outline and colored surface. Note that the colorless chimera is floury and bordered by a narrow band of flinty tissue between it and the colored tissue. This is a clear indication of a lack of cell autonomy for the Clf1 phenotype. Also note cases of pitted kernels indicating Ac Ds activity at an unknown locus, related to the parental stocks used. Photo, 39:331-30xPS

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
A selfed ear of Ac Clf1 Ds-1S4/- clf plant showing 3 to 1 segregation for intensely purple kernels, including many with large colorless patches and lacy-like colored areas, and for colorless floury partially collapsed dek1 kernels. The frequency of the colorless clf1 kernels appears to be reduced, but this is only the consequence of the fact that some of the colorless floury kernels are collapsed and defective and are not always seen on the photograph.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Enlargement of kernels from the selfed ear showing Ac Clf1 Ds/- clf1/dek (middle 2 kernels in top row) and Ac Clf1 Ds/Ac Clf1 Ds/clf1 (dark kernel in lower row). The middle two kernels in the top row show large colorless patches with chains of dots and isolated islands of intensely colored tissue. The bottom dark kernel shows mostly colored tissue interspersed with small lighter patches from overlapping events with a double dose of Clf1 Ds-1S4.
lecture_2015_09_22/ds.1442860770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 18:39 by chris.bottoms