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Lesion mimic3
Eighth leaf of Les3-A781 homozygous mutant plant showing various sizes of necrotic lesions (extreme expression) (photo courtesy D. Hoisington)

Lesion mimic4
Section of a Les4-N1375/+, mutant, 8th leaf, showing many small necrotic lesions with white centers, some in clusters.

Lesion mimic4
Mid section of A Les4-N1375/+ mutant plant at flowering, in M14/W23 background, showing striking dark brown lesions on leaf sheath but not on ear. Lesions first appear just before flowering, enlarge and spread rapidly over whole plant in a few days causing quick plant senescence.

Lesion mimic5
Cross-section of a mature 8th leaf from a Les5-N1449/+ mutant plant, showing many small chlorotic spots, some of which have bleached to white

Lesion mimic6
Two Leaf sections of a Les6-1451/+ mutant plant in a Mo20W background, immature (top) and mature (bottom) 8th leaf, in Mo20W background, showing developmental sequence of lesion formation in this mutant.

Lesion mimic7
Lesion mimic: Section of the 8th leaf of a Les7-N1461/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing many small round chlorotic lesions.

Lesion mimic8
Lesion mimic: Section of 8th leaf of homozygous Les8-N2005 mutant plant, showing many distinct necrotic lesions. Compare with heterozygote.

Lesion mimic9
Section of the eighth leaf of a Les9-N2008/+ heterozygous mutant plant, M14/W23 background, showing profuse tiny lighter green pre-lesion spots.

Lesion mimic10
Lesion mimic; genetic modifiers: 8th leaf of two Les10-A607/+ heterozygous mutant plants, showing , on left, typical expression in M14/W23 outcross and, right, strikingly fewer lesions, better color and stronger growth in Mo20W outcross.

Lesion mimic12
Eighth leaf from mature Les12-1453/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing masses of tiny chlorotic lesions bunched in overlapping clusters and scattered larger white necrotic lesions

Lesion mimic15
Section of the eighth leaf of a Les15-N2007/+ heterozygous mutant plant yellow green midvein tissue and many small, pale green, chlorotic lesions and fewer slightly larger necrotic lesions which become white on an unhealthy yellowgreen leaf before senescence.
lecture_2015_09_22/mimics_3plus.1442859285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 18:14 by chris.bottoms